Solution 45.

I think my boyfriend Christian deserves some xtra attention here on my blog! He is currently working day and night with his music and his day job AND still finds time for me.
Therfore i will give you one of his music videos from his band Solution 45.
Solution 45. are one of the more "softer" bands that he sings in. Both clean and growling vocals.
I think it can be somthing for many of you guys out there in cyberspace^^
Hopefully you will find it to be a new favorite band.
This is the ballad of the album. No growls, only clean vocals. Really one of the gems. The funny video you can see as a great bonus!
Solution 45. med Lethean tears
Here You can buy the album if you are intrested. The album is consistently awsome. The guitarr playing are fantastic! and the vocals are mindblowing
Why not! I will share the Gravitational Lensing video here too.
Hope you enjoy them.


Jao, cred till broder! :)

2012-01-16 @ 11:41:15

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