Good morning

I started my day like a true health junkie with 45 minutes of spinning. I will keep figthing my lazyness and hope one day I will be as fit as I dream of. I was unbeliveble tired this morning and I give myself a pet on the back for just getting up from the bed. It hurts getting fit but no one told me it would be easy...
Last night Christian and I watched a movie called The raven. It is about Edgar Allan Poe an his last days alive. We both really liked it. It had a great atmosphere, dark and gothic, and was enthralling.
Click the picture to get to the official trailer on you tube.
I still haven`t figured out how to embead videos after the newest update. If anyone knows how to do it please let me know!!!
I am off to work soon again. Today I work late and tomorrow I have to get up early again. -.- Hopefully I will have the energy to get out and test my new running shoes friday afternoon.
I am thinking of starting a running program that with small steps will make me able to run 10 km without stopping and looking like I am dying every second. Anyone out there who would like to join me in this journey?? It would be much easier to have someone suffering together with me^^ Any takers???

Back in business

Finally I got myself in the gym again. It was tough after my break. But as they say
No pain No gain...
Next time is saturday morning.

Last measurments

The Femme Fatale program is done and today I did the last measurments. I have lost 2,7 kg and 16,5 cm in total. I think that is pretty good in 4 weeks. I have managed to lose fat and build my mucles at the same time. I feel great and probably just as pretty as I felt when I was about 7 kg lighter^^ Even if Femme Fatale is done I still went to the gym today. I plan on keeping this good lifestyle and tone my body into what I never ever thought I could be. But first I am going to have a great and relaxing vacation together with my l♥ve Christian. It`s not far away now. Tomorrow we will travel by train to Swedens capital, Stockholm. The hostel we will stay on is an old renovated prison from the 1800 century. It actually looks cosy in the pictures and it has a garden we can relax in if we want/have the time to. We will probably run around everywhere and locate the best stores. (second hand music;)) Fun fun fun!
I`m almost done packing...It looks like I have packed half my wardrobe but it`s bed linnen and towels there that takes up half my trunk.
I have no idea if I will blog when I`m away. Probably not, the blog app doesnt work that well...

The last Femme Fatale workout!

Today I did the last Femme Fatale workout. Feels good to have accomplished something I wouldn`t even think about putting myself through 6 months ago. Tomorrow I am doing the last measurements and I am going to take some "after" pictures. I won`t show them here on the blog though ;) I already feel it has been worth it. I feel som much more comfertable with myself and I have absolutely gotten stronger. Tomorrow I am going to the gym again and this time I will decide for myself what I will work on. I`m defenitly going to use a lot of the exercises Silje Mariela had on the Femme Fatale program.
Today I feel very tired. Guess It`s because I ate a lot of carbs yesterday and only protein and vegetables again today.
Me the other day. Sweaty and tired

Days off work

I have had the two passed days off work. And how fucking great it has been^^ I think I needed it much more than I realized. Thursday I went on a super nice bicycle ride in the sun with my mother in law. It was nice to do something else than lifting weights in the gym. Nothing beats fresh-air and beautiful nature.
I looked like an idiot in the helmet and my heart shaped sunglasses...but who cares^^
I had some trouble with my bicycle and after the ride I dropped it off at the bicycle repair shop for some adjusting of the gears and breaks! Now it works perfect again. Super happy about that! And I can`t wait until I can use it again.
The evening was spent at a Party lite party. Used to much money on scented candles and oils.. But I love them so much! Pyromaniac me... Alwas have a candle burning. Guess fire is my favorite element.
Before bed time Christian and I saw the movie Iron Sky...But I can`t recommend it. It was a miracle I watched it from the beginning to the end...And I think it`s weird it have a 6.8 rating on IMDb.
Another film that we watched the other day was way better!!! The painted veil. I don`t want to show you the trailer because I think it reveal too much of the story.
But this one I do recommend.
Today we where at the gym early to lift some weights again. Actually fun. And today we where almost only girls there. It hit me how nice it would have been with an girls only weight lifting gym. It`s not always fun to be watched when you are lifting. After all there are 90% boys and men in the weight lifting area. If I ever get an house I would love to have a gym. A girl can dream can`t she.
After the workout today I could eat carbs again. I even can tomorrow. And how I have missed it. I actually had super much energy and felt like the old me again. The last week I have been extremly tired.
Afterwards we went for a cup of coffee and some chocolate truffles.
Lemon/white-chocolate, rasberry/licorice/white-chocolate and dark-chocolate! Yummmmmmy
I have been eating a lot of candy and unhealthy stuff today. I`m soOo worth it ;) I reckon it will bee a little of it tomorrow again and sunday it`s back to meat, vegetables and healthy living.
Today I have even had the time to visit my good friend Carro and I have done som house work. To good to be true. Going to sleep well tonight I can feel it.


Hi. Sorry it took me so long to write again! It`s just that I have been so busy and tired from working in this heat we had last week. Not only was it the heat but also the workingout and eating so differently that made me use all my energy on that rather than blogging and relaxing :P Also I had my family visiting from Norway and didn`t feel like spending time on the computer.
I am on week 3 of Femme Fatale and doing well. Last measuremants was shit though. My time of the month and as usual I gain weight and swell up. I even blame the heat. *sigh*
This week I don`t eat carbs, I get a bit tired and the body isn`t as full of energy as usual. I had spinning today and it didn`t go as well as it usually does. But I am hanging in there. Friday and saturday I get to eat whatever I like. Yayyyy! Can`t wait. I tink I will at least have sushi one of the days^^
One of my meals I have on Femme Fatale this week is egg whites and nuts. You need to be creative and I have made "fluff" of them. Two egg whites whipped with sweetener and a table spoon quark. I have tried one with cacao and one with Fun Light tropical fruites as flavors.
It`s ok, takes away cravings for sweets. Not that I have them so much anymore :)
It feels good to have done half the time of Femme Fatale and it means that It is only two weeks left until I go on vacation. I can`t wait!!!!!


I didn`t think I would get so great results from only one week!!! -1,9 kg and -8,5 cm on my body^^
Happy happy happy! I guess if I stick to it for all 4 weeks I can get great results. I kind of knew but didn`t really belive it could work on me. Am I a pessimist or what;)

Bad start

Or should I say bad day.. Being on fast is not a problem when you are at home and can take it easy. But I had to get to work and with no food and only a cup of coffee in me it was a problem just walking there. No energy, stumbeling on my stiff and sore legs I thought I would start crying >.< But I got there and managed to work a couple of hours until I didn`t cope anymore. (23 Hours) I drank my smoothie but I did not get as full as I did last time after my fast... Well, I figured I would get by if I just drank some more water. It went a couple hours again an I could not get on without some more food. I had some oven-baked codfish and vegetable. I didn`t exactly get full this time either. Poor me. The whole afternoon was like hell. I am really proud of myself that I did not fall for the temptation and bought an ice cream( we have ice cream and candy in the store I work in) Thankfully it went better in the late afternoon the body started to prepeare for more fasting?! And when Christian picked me up from work in the evening It actually felt ok.
We went shopping for some ingredients and we went home to make som hamburgers. Because tonight I had my free meal+dessert of the week. The hamburgers was nice and the dessert tasted good for a couple of bites. But afterwards I feelt llike I had done somthing wrong. Even if the programme had said so. weird, I guess I am so into the healthy food part that I feel like this is failing.
My home made hamburgers, somewhat healthy if you don`t eat the bread ;)
My "nature candy"-dessert...Did not taste as good as I thought it would. The rest is going in the garbage. I had at first planned to save it...but for what? I will not have it here in case I get low bloodsugar and want to stuff my face^^
Tomorrow is the last day of week 1. I don`t think I have lost any weight, but I sure hope I have lost a couple of cm.... Not everybody get results after only one week on the programme. We all work different. And whith my luck I probably get miner results :P I guess I will keep fighting.

My day

I started with a lovely breakfast today. Yum. The orange drink is a kick in the ass kind of drink because I had an appointment with the gym again^^
And afterwards I had my BCAA from Xtend. This tastes like apple.. It`s ok. Next time I will try a different flavour.
Kind of forcing it down...
Had my super yummy lasagne and a smoothie after the shower. A big meal but it`s because I`m on my 20-24 hours fast again. I had to take it today becaue I`m working this weekend and want to be on the top of my game.
So right now I`m drinking my lemon water again.
I need to stress one thing though. This is not something I am going to do all the time. Under the programme there is only 4 days. And It is only because I`m on my tough weight lifting/fat loosing program. Here is some reasons!: I will get a better insulin sensitvity, my body will raise my growth hormone, It will create a calorie deficiency which can create a weight loss for about 0,2-0,4 kg in a week and it will help me lose some excessive water that often stores up in the body.
I DON`T want to just be skinny!! Like our friend Nicole on the pic under...
It`just plaing scary if you ask me >.<
Just to be at the safe side..This is more what I strive for. A toned and healthy body.
This is Silje Mariela from
She is the one that have made the Femme Fatale program I`m on. She is just plane beautiful!
Soon I will get to bed. Really tired now. I have made food for my lunch-boxes all evening and didn`t even have time to watch Game of thrones that I have on my computer! That is dedication for you^^

Going strong

I´m aware that my blog has turned to almost a health blog..But this is my life right now and I will be absorbed in this program for at least 4 weeks.  After this Christian and I will go to Stockholm for our vacation. I will try to mix it up though^^
I thought I would show you my fantastic lasagne. Saw a girl on the Femme Fatale group that had done something similar and today I tried it myself. It was unbelivable good. Yay me! A new favourite.

Just a momet ago this was me with my smoothie. The smoothie recipe in the program is exactly as the one I used to make myself. Perfect!
I have pocahontas hair today^^


Now two of my weigth lifting days for this week is done. And blody hell I can for sure feel it everywhere. But It feels good at the same time. In this very moment, sitting in the sofa I feel my thighs and bum hurting. You can imagine how it feels walking the stairs.... Paiiin.
My breakfast yesterday. Salmon, walnuts, cherry tomatoes and sugar snaps. Yum.
Today after my workout I had protein pancakes with quark and banana. I mixed the quark with sweetener and some cardamom.
The pancake is just eggs, water, protein-powder, baking-powder, fiber husk & a little almond-flour. Baked in the oven, not fried in a pan.
I think I see a muscle there! Wonder if I had it a moth ago!?
Now I need to drag my lazy ass of the sofa and do the dishes. This healthy lifestyle sure forces me to cook and make a lot of mess in the kitchen. *sigh*

E.l.f & spinning

Shit! This mornings spinning class went well. I sweatted like I was in hell and of course I had forgotten my towel >.<  I probably Won`t be able to eat all my meals today but I will not eat more than i feel like. Tonight I will at least have something sweet. I need it ^^ Im thinking of my healthy pancakes. yum!!!

Me before the spinning
And Christian^^ I love that he enjoys spinning too. I can`t get him to lift  weights with me though!
I got a package today. I had hoped it was my workout top from decore. But It was make-up from Elf. Good stuff. Cheap and not tested on animals, what more do you need?
I needed more of my mineral foundation and while I was at it I orderd some lip glosses, a white eye shimmer pencil and eyeshadow in neutral browns.
Glitterglosses; fuchsia fireworks & crystal cranberry.
Now I need to prepare myself for the weight lifting. Look at tou tube videos and hope I don`t look like an big idiot tomorrow...

Better Bodies

Today my first meal after the 23 hours fast was a smoothie. I almost couldn`t drink it all. It`was good I tell you^^ I think the fast went beyond all my expectations. I probably was so mentally prepared that failing wasn`t an option. I`m so proud of myself!
I can`t wait until Wednesday when I finally can go to the gym for the first "real" weight lifting workout. Tomorrow it will be spinning class as usual.
I have been looking and drooling over these workout clothes from Better bodies. Maybe I will buy one or two items after my Femme Fatale weeks just to keep myself going to the gym and follow my new lifestyle. Shame they are so expensive...

Black lace top

I suddenly rememberd that I got this top from my mother in law after she had been on a trip to Dublin. I love it but it was too tight. Perhaps it will fit me after this 4 weeks on the program?! Really hope so, I think it`s so beautiful. I love black lace as you probably have picked up by now.

Still happy

It is going well! I am still happy. I feel a little shaky though. I`m drinking lots of water with lemon slices and taking it easy. Had fun and learned a lot at the gym today too. Hope I can remember all the information. It`s a lot to take in.
Are there some of my readers who go to the gym?
Anyways, I found some tops at Etsy with really cool prints. Would be prefect for lazy, varm summerdays^^


Well I did not even think that one day I would do this freely. From 12.00 (C.E.T) today I don`t eat until tomorrow about 10.00-11.00 (C.E.T)! For 4 weeks now I will do this once a week. My boyfriend have been warned. I tend to get grumpy and aggressive when I`m hungry. I will try my best to not let this out on him. I am the only one doing this to myself and I need to control it^^
My last meal eaten outside on the balcony. Sunny and nice.
Chicken and vegetable.
Soon my mother in law and I will go to the gym. We are getting an instructor to show us the proper lifting techniques. Don`t want to get hurt.

"Guilt food"

Ciabatta with salami and brie.
And some "nature candy"
Now I just feel stuffed and bloated. Actually I long for tomorrow when I don`t have to eat shit...

Strong is the new skinny

I am so psyched that I`m finally starting the Femme Fatale program. This first day I have to eat my guilty foods^^ Haha! I guess It will be chocolate and soft bread^^ Carbs, carbs and carbs....Poor me.
Earlier today I took some "before" pictures of myself in a bikini... Well, My last weeks working out haven`t been in vain. I could actually see a differense in my back. It is smaller, more toned and not as fluffy. Still a long way to go though. I still don`t feel totally comfterble in my own skin. I figured out that I really really want to feel and be physical strong. A healthy goal. I don`t just want to be as skinny as possible!
A couple of years ago I used to hate my body. I thought about it every day probably thousands times. every time I woke up, everytime I saw myself in the mirror, everytime I put my clothes on, everytime I pulled in my clothes that didn`t really fit me....All the time. Never again.

Pic from google


Finally!!! This week has gone by so incredible slow. It just dawned on me that I`m not working for two days and I am seriously happy about that^^
After work today I tried out some of my new healthy stuff and whipped up some "pancakes". I think they tasted super yummy. Not quite like normal pancakes but who cares. I ate them with banana and sukrin (a swetener) wrapped like an enchilada!
Today I got my BCAA! I will use it before and after working out. It has amino-acid in it and that will prevent the mucles breaking down. Instead it will help them build and get stronger.  Yay!
Tomorrow I will hit my lokal supermarket and shop lots of meat, fish, nuts, eggs, avocados and vegetables! I am getting really exited to start this shit and challenge myself in a way I never have done before.
Right now I will drink this though ;)
Have a awsome weekend everyone. Cheers


Yes, I have pain...I don`t really know what I did different yesterday att my work out but sure as hell I did something right! My thigh muscles are super sore. It was quite hard to get up fom the chair after my lunch. I must have looked like an old lady stumbeling on my way out.
Not much have happend since my last blog post. Work-out, work, sleep & eating! The only fun stuff is really that I bought some almond flour and "fiberhusk" for my new diet. I think I will try some healthy pancakes soon^^ Yay! I have started my planning for my 4 week long "hell" with the Femme Fatale  Fat attack program. It is a lot to think about and my everyday will be quite different. Much more eating and working out that is for sure. Hopefully I still will have the time/energy to blog.
Almond flour
Fiber husk
I already had these sweeteners at home. They will also come in handy too


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