Bats, glossy red & black lace

New nail design! I did this after Christian went to his graveyard shift, pretty tired I was...But it turned out ok anyways. How can you go wrong with black and red. 
I have felt like red nails forever now but not had the time do them. So finally!
Here they are. 
The lace is from Konad plate: m57 and the bat image is from Bundle monster plate: bm-213.
Gothic nails♥
Sorry for the bad quality pictures. My photoshop stopped working and I had to use paint........
( NINNI!!!! I need your help with this when you have the time :( )


Ååh så fina naglar! Och jättefin uppdatering av bloggen! :D

Svar: Tack :)
Miss Anthropia

2012-09-23 @ 15:32:24

Lugnt det fixar jag. Jättesnyggt med nya designen! Ses så snart det går då =) *Kram*

Svar: Tack snälla Ninni! Var nog bara för att jag pratade om det när vi sågs senast...Jinxade det :(Roligt du gillar designen. Tur jag blev klar med den innan programmet la av....:P
Kram :)
Miss Anthropia

2012-09-23 @ 15:33:54

wow de var fine...

Svar: Tusen takk :)
Miss Anthropia

2012-09-24 @ 08:22:59

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