OK, so I have decided to try out henna hair coloring. I just feel that I must give it a try. Even if the hair color I use now is one of the better I feel it still has a lot of crap ingredients. I just ordered from Lush because I felt that it was the safest way to start and they have it mixed with cocoa butter witch I think must be a good thing.
I want black hair still so I got noir. I read that it may get you a blue tone too, this is a plus in my opinion. I feel quite nervous and hope it will work well on my thick hair! I also got myself the H´Suan Wen Hua hair treatment which I know is awesome.
Have anyone of you any experiences with henna coloring?
By the way!, I have removed the thing where I have to inspect all the comments before I publish them. I thought it might be a solution to the problems we have had here with comments not showing up. Now you can see for your self straight away that your comments is published...I hope! And I haven`t had any troubles so far with rude and nasty comments so far so lets hope it will stay this way.
I want black hair still so I got noir. I read that it may get you a blue tone too, this is a plus in my opinion. I feel quite nervous and hope it will work well on my thick hair! I also got myself the H´Suan Wen Hua hair treatment which I know is awesome.
Have anyone of you any experiences with henna coloring?
By the way!, I have removed the thing where I have to inspect all the comments before I publish them. I thought it might be a solution to the problems we have had here with comments not showing up. Now you can see for your self straight away that your comments is published...I hope! And I haven`t had any troubles so far with rude and nasty comments so far so lets hope it will stay this way.

New year resolutions
I usually don`t make new years resolutions, but I have things in mind I want to do so here we go!
Do you have any new years resolutions?
- I would love to start running. I have this picture in my head that this will be the greatest thing ever for me. Last time I gave it a go I really hurt my knees and had months with pain. This time around I will invest in shoes fit for my feet and study running techniques to avoid the same result... if that don`t work I don`t know what will.
- I want to get my creativity going again. I used to be super productive. I will do my best and prioritize this again. I really feel like sowing again!
- Spend more quality time at the computer. I usually get stuck in some random sufing around and waste so much time doing nothing.
- read more books!!!
- Listen to more metal!!! lately I have been only listening to soft easy going stuff, I want to get back to my roots and love for metal.
- Lose some weight, a classic new year resolution, but I need to fit in my fucking wardrobe again, no kidding. My love for chocolate, being lazy and having a hard time limiting myself is no good combination.
- Save some money. Seriously, I think I have enough eyeshadow for the next 10-20 years now.
- I want to watch American Horror Story. Chris has a thing against TV series so I will have to watch it alone. I have seen the first episode and I was so scared!!! Ugh! I will have to watch it in daylight and Chris will have to be home. It may take me some time to get through all seasons.
- Buy a new home, preferably a house. I desperately want to move on from our tiny apartment and get started on my dark garden dreams.
- Get a new job. I`m feeling it`s time to move on from my apparently dead end job. I want to get a more steady pay cheque and have more fun.
Do you have any new years resolutions?
Tonight I think I will try this this project that seems super easy! I have lots of t-shirts I don`t use and I really need something something else than plastic grocery bags carrying my lunch in when walking to work.

Hi everybody. I have a little question for you. It was put to my attention that some of you can`t comment on my blog. I had a lovely lady on Instagram informing me of this and I would like to know whom else this has happened to. I would appreciate you letting me know on my Instagram. You will find me by searching for miss666anthropia.
Maybe I could get a better understanding of why it`s happening, if it`s a problem in certain country's or depending on something completely else. Hopefully knowing what the problem is I can go ahead and fix it.
Maybe I could get a better understanding of why it`s happening, if it`s a problem in certain country's or depending on something completely else. Hopefully knowing what the problem is I can go ahead and fix it.

For new beginnings
I hope you all have had a cozy Christmas and a really fun new years celebration. I like the feeling of a new fresh year. Like blank pages in a book ready to be filled with new adventures. 2014 was better than 12 & 13 so if 15 can be even better I think I`m am on a steady course to how I want my life to be lived.
I really didn`t post anything in December and I have had several rounds with myself to weather I want`t to keep the blog or not. In many ways I really like having it and use it as a kind of diary to look through from time to time but sometimes I just think it`s a shame one doesn`t even get one single comment on most posts. I guess that`s why my posting have slowed down and almost stopped. To much work for no response at all. It`s so much more fun to post a pic on Instagram and get tons of likes and a fun comment or two. I wonder if blogging and reading them is about to die out. Or is my lack of readers depending on something completely different? Is it that I don`t comment enough to others blogs. (I hate commenting just for the sake of showing on blogs that don`t appeal to me!) or don`t I write about interesting enough things, am I to private, don`t I post enough selfies and Ootd???
I would love for you beloved readers that still are peeking in here to speak your mind about why you like to come here. What do you think is fun reading, is there something you would like to see more of? Is there posts that are completely uninteresting? Do you miss something?
I don`t have any pictures to go with this post but thought I´d post some random pics from the passed year that didn`t make it to the blog!

I tested black lipstick and realized I could pull it off on crappy/blurry selfies but never ever use it in public. Sadly.

Visited an American diner nearby and had super yummy milkshake

I grew beautiful Black Dalihas on the balcony

I attended the most beautiful Halloween wedding♥

I applyed for a new job and didn`t get it. Maybe it was my unproffessional picture that made them not want me! :P

Went on an amazing and very needed vacation.

We tried to buy a house but lost it to someone else. Still stuck in the tiny apartment trying to make the best of it.

Still crazy in love and happy with my Chris. We always look so good ;)
I really love this time of year. Tons of cozy lights everywhere, cold and crisp air outside, saffron buns and mulled wine, dark dark days and nights. Even the shops are filling up with my kind of clothes in dark colors and fabrics like lace and velvet with a luxurious feeling. Now I am only awaiting the perfect amount of white snow to fall.

Opals and age
Happy birthday to me! I have always felt a bit old and now I feel i`m finally catching up. In high school my teacher was a bit wondering to what my age really was. She thought I had such wise thing to say and that I acted much "better" than my much older classmates. It haven`t always been the case though but I have always felt I have a old soul. Today I turned 32 winters, hopefully I still have many more to come!
My day didn`t turn out anything like I expected but that just shows me that you never now whats around the next corner. It still was good and I have gotten such amazing presents I can`t believe it!
With my parents I am going to get a combined birthday and Christmas present. It`s a winter coat sewn after my measurements in cashmere, lined with silk! Can you imagine. I have never ever owned such a luxury item. I will treasure it and hopefully you will see it when I get it this Christmas.
With my parents in law I got money so I could order the Illamasqua Freak Scarab perfume I have been drooling over for so long.
With my beautiful friend Ninni I got a day at the SPA. And with my love Chris I got a vintage 8-bit NES console with games! I feel spoilt rotten and are not really sure that I have earned it.
Just a couple of days before my birthday I decided to treat myself to something too. I went online on Etsy to find a antique ring. And ended up with something else! I fell in love with a opal ring in an amazing sterling silver setting that turned out to have a special story behind it.
From the page:
After World War 2, Guy James opened a jewelry store in East Tennessee. It was in a small town with mostly farmers and some factory workers. He was unable to sell much gold jewelry or his favorite...antique jewelry because most of the folks he dealt with just didn't have the money. So he began to take beautiful antique gold jewelry and make molds of them and then recast them in sterling silver. He became known for his beautiful, quality and unique pieces. Mr James died in 1991. After his death, his wife just closed the shop. The jewelry just sat. She passed away in 2011 and I have been commissioned to sell the contents of the store. When I asked the son why none of this had been sold before , he told me that his mom would not allow it because she said there was a piece of their father in each piece.
My day didn`t turn out anything like I expected but that just shows me that you never now whats around the next corner. It still was good and I have gotten such amazing presents I can`t believe it!
With my parents I am going to get a combined birthday and Christmas present. It`s a winter coat sewn after my measurements in cashmere, lined with silk! Can you imagine. I have never ever owned such a luxury item. I will treasure it and hopefully you will see it when I get it this Christmas.
With my parents in law I got money so I could order the Illamasqua Freak Scarab perfume I have been drooling over for so long.
With my beautiful friend Ninni I got a day at the SPA. And with my love Chris I got a vintage 8-bit NES console with games! I feel spoilt rotten and are not really sure that I have earned it.
Just a couple of days before my birthday I decided to treat myself to something too. I went online on Etsy to find a antique ring. And ended up with something else! I fell in love with a opal ring in an amazing sterling silver setting that turned out to have a special story behind it.
From the page:
After World War 2, Guy James opened a jewelry store in East Tennessee. It was in a small town with mostly farmers and some factory workers. He was unable to sell much gold jewelry or his favorite...antique jewelry because most of the folks he dealt with just didn't have the money. So he began to take beautiful antique gold jewelry and make molds of them and then recast them in sterling silver. He became known for his beautiful, quality and unique pieces. Mr James died in 1991. After his death, his wife just closed the shop. The jewelry just sat. She passed away in 2011 and I have been commissioned to sell the contents of the store. When I asked the son why none of this had been sold before , he told me that his mom would not allow it because she said there was a piece of their father in each piece.
I probably will feel it`s more OK to wear this on a everyday basis than a antique ring because it is a bit lower priced. And I didn`t even have to give up on antique look I was searching for.

Birthday & Christmas wishes
My birthday is almost here and Christmas too so I thought I`d make a little wish list. Maybe you can get some tips and inspiration too.
I actually don`t think any of these are suitable for gifts because they are so expensive. But It´s nice to dream sometimes ;)
I actually don`t think any of these are suitable for gifts because they are so expensive. But It´s nice to dream sometimes ;)
This perfume I will get for myself if my paycheck can manage it that is...
Cruelty free perfumes is so hard to find and sometimes the stuff in Lush feels a bit simple and more for everyday use. I love my other Illamasqua perfume but I have a feeling I will love this even more.
Blood Orange, Neroli Absolute and Ylang Ylang awaken and entice the senses.
Davana Oil entwines with Egyptian Jasmine, Honeysuckle and Queen of the Night to form a sensual heart.
The warmth of stewed plum creates a distant depth, leading to the rich ancient accord of Mousse De Sax- Geranium, Anise, Moss and Leather.
Blood Orange, Neroli Absolute and Ylang Ylang awaken and entice the senses.
Davana Oil entwines with Egyptian Jasmine, Honeysuckle and Queen of the Night to form a sensual heart.
The warmth of stewed plum creates a distant depth, leading to the rich ancient accord of Mousse De Sax- Geranium, Anise, Moss and Leather.

These Bat girl heels from Jeffrey Campell are so damn cute. Helloooo ♥

This amazing ring from Macabre Gadgets. *Le sigh*

This make up bag found on The curious nedle on Etsy has the best cat print!

Found on Etsy

This new great thing from Too faced

Also I would not mind this coat from Sanctus

Hi little darlings. My blog lust has been low and so much have been going on so I apologizes for the lack of posts here. I have been so occupied with work, hanging out with friends, watching memorizing things on my computer, road tripping with my love to second hand shops everywhere and searching for a house to live in.
Other than that my lust for creating stuff is back and I have some projects I am going to start soon♥
I also have been selling some stuff I just have had lying in boxes on a Facebook page and have now bought a super extremely unnecessary luxury item with some of the money I have gathered. I could not have bought it with my hard earned money from work. I could not have justified it. My little luxury guilty pleasure is this gorgeous candle from Voluspa. I hope it will arrive before the weekend. Just look at it`s pretty ceramic packaging, im dying here!
Other than that my lust for creating stuff is back and I have some projects I am going to start soon♥
I also have been selling some stuff I just have had lying in boxes on a Facebook page and have now bought a super extremely unnecessary luxury item with some of the money I have gathered. I could not have bought it with my hard earned money from work. I could not have justified it. My little luxury guilty pleasure is this gorgeous candle from Voluspa. I hope it will arrive before the weekend. Just look at it`s pretty ceramic packaging, im dying here!

Another thing I have bought this month, but for a much better price I must say, is this super pretty & witchy kimono. I fond it on sale i H&M. I just cant get enough of it and wear it all the time. Perfect for this time of year.

This week started with an sore throat and it quickly escalated into a cold. Ugh. Damn you viruses. Tons of blankets, warm tea and fun series to watch made it bearable when my sinuses decided to give me hell.
In all my misery I found distraction in this awesome TV show I never knew existed, I can`t believe I have missed this! It`s called Oddities and is about a weird antique shop in Manhattan. The things you`ll see in this series is super fascinating, weird, disgusting, beautiful and macabre. I just love it.
In all my misery I found distraction in this awesome TV show I never knew existed, I can`t believe I have missed this! It`s called Oddities and is about a weird antique shop in Manhattan. The things you`ll see in this series is super fascinating, weird, disgusting, beautiful and macabre. I just love it.
För oss i Sverige: Den finns på tv4 play premium, första månaden är gratis utan bindningstid, så det hoppade jag på för att bara börja se direkt,Yay!
When I was feeling better Chris and I decided to roam all the thrift/antique shops around us. So much fun. I only bought a little brooch and the Black Swan on DVD but I could have spent a fortune. I found so much beautiful furniture you could not believe it. I better start saving up. I am sure one of the cabinets will hunt me for the rest of my life if I don`t get it. To bad I don`t have anywhere to store it until I get an house. I would probably put it on my credit card and never look back if it was possible♥
Never ending
My everyday life is filled with happenings at the moment. I am super happy with some parts and really unhappy about others.
My work is downsizing and I am not certain I will able to keep my hours. I already work less than I want and fell really unappreciated for all the hard work I put in. To top it off they changed my schedule for the worse. Thanks a lot...
On the other side we are making progress in our house hunting. We have one in mind that we may make an offer on. It`s not perfect but it have almost everything we are searching for in our price range.
Meanwhile I spend some time on Pinterest searching for house decorating ideas and dream about all the pretty flowers and yummy fruits and berries I wanna grow.
Maybe I will have my garden soon♥
My work is downsizing and I am not certain I will able to keep my hours. I already work less than I want and fell really unappreciated for all the hard work I put in. To top it off they changed my schedule for the worse. Thanks a lot...
On the other side we are making progress in our house hunting. We have one in mind that we may make an offer on. It`s not perfect but it have almost everything we are searching for in our price range.
Meanwhile I spend some time on Pinterest searching for house decorating ideas and dream about all the pretty flowers and yummy fruits and berries I wanna grow.
Maybe I will have my garden soon♥

All the pictures are found on Pinterest
Garden of eden
I thought I would show you witch eyeshadow palette I have been reaching out for almost every time since I got it this spring/summer!
As you maybe have understood I love, love, love Sleek`s eye shadows and I have quite a lot of their palettes. I just love that they are very affordable, have super nice pigmentation, pretty colors and are easy to work with. Not to forget they are also cruelty free ♥. My latest palette is called Garden Of Eden and I think I love it mostly because of all the shimmery colors. I cant help it but shimmer has become my favorite type of shadow over the passed year. I don`t use them for work but always when I have the day off or if I´m going out.
As you maybe have understood I love, love, love Sleek`s eye shadows and I have quite a lot of their palettes. I just love that they are very affordable, have super nice pigmentation, pretty colors and are easy to work with. Not to forget they are also cruelty free ♥. My latest palette is called Garden Of Eden and I think I love it mostly because of all the shimmery colors. I cant help it but shimmer has become my favorite type of shadow over the passed year. I don`t use them for work but always when I have the day off or if I´m going out.


I´m sorry for the fuzzy pictures, I was in an hurry to get ready and now the eyeshadows are super messy and would not be pretty on a picture...
In the light from a lamp.

Swatches in daylight

I have been eying their Arabian Night palette for a while and I think it will be my next one.
Have you tried Sleek´s eyeshadows?
Garnet star
Since the last days have been really unpleasant because of stomach issues so I put on my best red lipstick and my darling vintage garnet brooch to cheer myself up.
The brooch I found this summer in Fåfängan in Gothenburg. I bought it from the most gorgeous and kind girl that works there. You can find her on Instagram called stormvild and the shop called fafangansantik. I visited the store several times and bought more treasures I am going to show you some other time.
My brooch probably origins from the 1800th century and the deep red stones are garnets. There are a lot of these around and is easy to find in antique shops or on line. I have flat cut stones in mine but you often find them with more faceted rose cut stones instead. I plan on getting more garnet pieces to my collection. Lately I don`t seem to want anything other than vintage/antique jewelry. I feel it`s more special to wear something not everybody else have. I see this with my clothes too but it´s so much harder to find what I want in that area so I just will have to seattle for some pieces to compliment my normal clothes.
The brooch I found this summer in Fåfängan in Gothenburg. I bought it from the most gorgeous and kind girl that works there. You can find her on Instagram called stormvild and the shop called fafangansantik. I visited the store several times and bought more treasures I am going to show you some other time.
My brooch probably origins from the 1800th century and the deep red stones are garnets. There are a lot of these around and is easy to find in antique shops or on line. I have flat cut stones in mine but you often find them with more faceted rose cut stones instead. I plan on getting more garnet pieces to my collection. Lately I don`t seem to want anything other than vintage/antique jewelry. I feel it`s more special to wear something not everybody else have. I see this with my clothes too but it´s so much harder to find what I want in that area so I just will have to seattle for some pieces to compliment my normal clothes.

Waiting out the storm
I may be partial because of the small detail that Christian is the love of my life but this song is so unbelievably beautiful.
And it certainly fits this rainy Monday.
And it certainly fits this rainy Monday.
It`s available on itunes, CDbaby and such and if you like to physically own what you buy you can get it on vinyl over at Dimoutproductions
Bat Fit
OK, maybe it`s time for an update regarding my "getting back in shape" plan.
I had some real issues until a couple of days ago with my eating. But it looks like I have managed to turn it around now. FINALLY! Bad habits are extremely hard to break and when my blood sugar is low I really seldom have the strength to resist the temptations around me. I hate that we have candy and ice cream at work. It really shouldn't have anything to do in a flower shop, and it makes my pan so much harder to follow. The mind is strong but when you are hungry and stand for hours looking and staring at the yummies you almost can`t be blamed for caving in.
My working out is getting better and better. It`s not that awful anymore and I can feel the improvement already. It`s nice to not hate it. I am focusing on cardio at the moment and some body weight exercises I can do at home in my living room. I have lost a couple of kilos already but I know it always are easier in the beginning so I am trying to not focus so much on that.
I also have gotten myself a book I hope can help me when my motivation is low. Direct translated it`s called become the best with mental training. I can need some focus and change the way I think sometimes. I will try to read it soon.
I had some real issues until a couple of days ago with my eating. But it looks like I have managed to turn it around now. FINALLY! Bad habits are extremely hard to break and when my blood sugar is low I really seldom have the strength to resist the temptations around me. I hate that we have candy and ice cream at work. It really shouldn't have anything to do in a flower shop, and it makes my pan so much harder to follow. The mind is strong but when you are hungry and stand for hours looking and staring at the yummies you almost can`t be blamed for caving in.
My working out is getting better and better. It`s not that awful anymore and I can feel the improvement already. It`s nice to not hate it. I am focusing on cardio at the moment and some body weight exercises I can do at home in my living room. I have lost a couple of kilos already but I know it always are easier in the beginning so I am trying to not focus so much on that.
I also have gotten myself a book I hope can help me when my motivation is low. Direct translated it`s called become the best with mental training. I can need some focus and change the way I think sometimes. I will try to read it soon.
Otherwise I think I need this sports bra!!! how cool? Found on Etsy of course.

This one is pretty cool too.

Black velvet & red wine
Yesterday evening turned out alright. Not an epic evening but those are quite rare.
I actually made Chris take outfit pic of me for once. Wet hair and posing in the tiny bedroom where there still was some light was not the best ingredients for an awesome picture, but oh well.
My new Gothic cross tights sadly got a rip the very moment I put them on but I still used them.
And I finally got an opportunity to use my beautiful vintage kimono like jacket, it matched my velvet shorts perfect. I was very happy with this outfit and sure got a few looks when I arrived at the party. But I usually do get that when I meet new people.
My poison of choice for the evening was this bottle of red wine. I have switched to organically grown wine after I realized how much pesticides there are in most wines out there. I am not the only one that have realized this lately and It really shows in the shelves. Almost every "green" wine was sold out and I bought mine in a really large shop in Gothenburg last time I was there. Maybe we will soon see more and more organic in the shelves and not only in the liqour stores. I would love if all the vegtables and fruit available was organic too. Maybe then it will not be so pricy and I could buy it all♥
I actually made Chris take outfit pic of me for once. Wet hair and posing in the tiny bedroom where there still was some light was not the best ingredients for an awesome picture, but oh well.
My new Gothic cross tights sadly got a rip the very moment I put them on but I still used them.
And I finally got an opportunity to use my beautiful vintage kimono like jacket, it matched my velvet shorts perfect. I was very happy with this outfit and sure got a few looks when I arrived at the party. But I usually do get that when I meet new people.