
Sorry as fuck! but I have not been inspired enough to even think about blogging. I will be back soon, I promise. To tell you the truth I miss blogging and have started to work on a new post with pics from Full Of Hate.


Im off to Full Of Hate in Gothenburg. See you there? If so say hi!
Pic from a night walk i had ...

Oh. Hi

I`m sorry I haven`t blogged for a couple of days. I just did not feel like it. And instead of barfing up meaningless posts I just did`t write anything. Most of my days where good ones but friday was shit. You Know, one of those days you really should not get up from the bed. I have some pictures from the last days/week to entertain you with.

SUN!!!! And dry asphalt! I love the fact that I can use my sneakers again.
Cake I was tempted to eat but did`t. Fuck Yeah ;) Big deal for me...
Where the spinning-magic happens.
Summer sandals mom bought for me back home in Norway!!  Summer now please?
Did not buy anything this time. At the lokal music second hand shop.
Now I have to get to work again. See you soon hopefully 

Lazy lime sunday

Im treating myself to a day of nothing, just being lazy and doing whatever I want.
Yesterday was great. Like I told you Ninni and I was having a day at the local spa. No treatments but a lot of water and sauna going on. Super relaxing. After the spa we gatherd the forces with Sara and Veronica for some sushi. Then after the yummy food I felt like a glas of wine. So I dragged them to a nice place where I could drink and they could have a cup of tea^^ My glas of wine became three and that was more than enough to get me tipsy... I seruosly hope I didn`t blabber too much about stupid things?! At least I was clever enouh to drink lots of water I did not get a hangover.
By the way I wanted to show you my make up today! I played with my new Mixing Liquid and made a lime colored eyeliner from my new eyeshadow. It turned out looking really cool. Somtimes I feel like wearing colour but as you may know I don`t like colored clothes... A little colored eyeliner is just the right amount for me.
Do you like it??

Im tired

Im so so so tired. But Im hanging in there because I have fun relaxing plans with my friend Ninni on saturday. If you are wondering I have not been losing any weight yet, but Im eating healthy and are almost free from the sugar cravings^^ Yay! I have to share another thing with you also. At work I got one hell of compliment from Anci my co-worker. She told me that I reminded her of Mortica from the oldest movie♥ How great isn`t that?
Me at work...
Some blueberry-banana snack i had
Now time for bed...

Happy Valentine`s day

Foto by Nikyta Gaia From Deviant art.
I off to work. Hope you all have a nice day and sorround yourself with people you care for.

I hate my computer

I forced myself to get out of the sofa and took a bunch of pictures of one of my neacklaces. But while I was uploading them on the computer it shut down. Well... it has happend before and all has gone well. But not this time. The piece of shit don`t recognize my usb connetion (camera) and I can`t upload the pics. Arrg. I can probably solve it but right now I am too irritated and tired to deal with it...
Pic form tumbler. Don`t have the source. Sorry.
I love Morticia. And she has got the color thing right in my opinion♥

Short days

I feel that I work 90% of the day! Not really the case of course but I can`t really find the time to do everything I want. The blog sufferd yesterday but at least I got time to create new pices of jewlery.
I did not have time to take nice pics so all you get is a teasing picture taken with my Iphone.
Soon Im on my way to work again but hopefully I can find the time to take better pictures tonight.


Christian and I have a nice relaxing evening. We had some food listened to some music and will soon watch a movie. Right now Im drinking a cup of decaf and sniffing my favorite lavender incense.
Hope youe are having a just as nice night.


I wasn`t hard to eat healthy after work today ;)
Sallad with only yummy stuff. Fresh prawns, corn, green zucchini, sweet cherry tomatoes and olives.
I even had some dessert..
Now I have to go to bed. Early start tomorrow. Nighty night

Giving up!?

I had big expectations about my weigh in this saturday. Reality gave me a big slap in the face. I had only lost 0,3 kg. I have lost more not trying >.< *sigh*
I was quite down and sad but I decided to actually be happy about it. After all it is going in the right direction.
I have also been naugthy this weekend, drinking beer and eating three unhealthy meals. But I actually think I needed the shit after the hard week I had. Stupid? Well, I don`t care. Now it`s back to only healthy eating and working out. Small setbacks don`t make any big difference as long as I keep doing everything else right.
Today I have had a nice relaxing (healthy) day. And I finally got around to color my hair. The most boring thing ever... I really hate it. I guess I have to just keep doing it because I love my black hair.

Morning drug

Good morning friends. I slept well. Did you?
Except from the fakt that we where out of coffe i also had a good morning. So directly after my grooming I went to the store and got my drug. I hate breaking my morning routine but I also got some fruites and stuff for surviving my low blood sugar downs at work, so ...all that ends well...
I keept my healthy eating yesterday too and also intend to do so today. This first week is really hard. I keep telling myself it will get easier and easier. Hopefully i will have the time too exercise on wensday. I long for some god old sweatting ;) Working out makes my eating healthy easier you see. If i first make the effort to exercise i don`t want to spoil the effects with bad food.
By the way, I have got my supplies for jewlery making! Yay! Hopefully I will have the time soon to continue my new creations.
I also have started to long for this happening....

Eye pin excitement!

Yesterday i got my pay. It wasn`t much but i kind of already knew that. I did at least have som left after paying the bills. So i have now bought supplies for my jewlerymaking that have been standing still for a while.
It was this little suckers who stopped me...But now they are soon to bee shipped to me.
I was thinking of having som kind of jewlery give away in the future...if there are any of my readers who are intrested. I will think about it for a while at least. How sad if i have one and no one enters :(

Days off

I had such a great weekend off. Monday we don`t speak of... (work all day and some bad news) And today, yet another great day off. Hmm do we see a trend here ;)

I have a few pics from the weekend.
My better half waiting for the guests arrival.
He had planned a small suprise. Kinder egg`s for everyone^^
Look how happy they are^^
Morwen had baked some chokolate cupkakes with frosting. YumYumYum
Sara and Veronica. I think it`s kissing mini rhino time?!
Me squinting at something...
Christian and Morwen trying too look gansta` rap^^
It had been snowing all day but we dind`t care and took a taxi to our local pub and had one beer before we got us som late night snack. You can even see the snow piling up at at the window..
Christian and I sleept long and woke up very hungry. So I, the worlds greatest girlfriend, went out and bought stuff for a yummy breakfast.
I only wish every weekend was this nice.


Tonight i`m extremly tired after work. I`m also hungry...but there is no food in the fridge! What to do. I can`t even think about going to the store. That`s how tired i am. Poor me.
Tomorrow i will at least have the time too cook something. I can only hope that Christian will have the time too. I really think it`s boring to cook alone.
What a sad entrie..Haha, now i will go and find me some dry crispbread^^

By the way!
This is how beautiful the sky looked the other night.

Language trouble...

I have recently started to wonder if i should write in english istead of swedish. Swedish are not my native language anyways ( Norwegian is ) And maybe it will help me to attract more international readers? It certainly would be nice!
Back in the school days i had pretty good grades in english. Writing in it will help me freshen up what is left of my skills and i wouldent have to bear any anxiety over not writing in norwegian or swedish for that sake...
There may be a hole lot of grammar errors in the beginning so be patient with me please^^
Random picture of me in my favorite shop in my small town :)
The girls that work there are just crazy nice and i would really loved to work there...
Need i say that i am thinking of what to do next in my career.

Banana-kiwi smoothie

Banana and kiwi. A real vitamin bomb!
I think i might have gotten an overdose of vitamin c.! i care...
The cool skull-tealightholder Christian and i got from my kind mom

Mitt Nyårsfirande

God morgon. Hoppas ni har en bra måndag. Själv har jag haft sovmorgon och efter gårdagen som bestod av absolut inget så är jag full av energi. Skönt.
Ni skall få lite bilder av mitt nyår. Jag jobbade hela dagen och kände att ett lugnt nyårsfirande skulle passa mig perfekt. Jag frågade snällt Sara och Veronica om det fanns plats för mig och det gjorde det! Tack så mycket för att jag fick fira med er :)
Min Christian jobbade natt på sjukhuset om ni undrar.
Nyårs menyn var vegetariskt, vilket passar mig bra även om jag är köttätare! Gorgonzola täckta quornfileer, med svamp, paprika och grädde. Hasselbackspotatis och varma tomater med kryddor. Mums.
Nyår kändes som ett ypperligt tillfälle att dricka upp min fina födelsedagspresent dessutom. Ett underbart gott Amaronevin  jag fick med godingen Plec!
Mumsandet slutade inte där, utan vi fortsatte med ost, kex, vindruver, fikonmarmelad och vitt vin.
Världes bästa sällskap av fyrbenta fanns såklart där också.
Och Zelda som förövrigt sov sött vid mitt huvud om natten<3
Veronica är fotograf och redigerare till denna bild!
Vi hade en jättebra översikt över fyrverkerierna från deras balkong och jag behövde inte vara rädd då den är inglasad. Jag är nämligen inte förtjust i smällar och raketer efter en händelse på en fest i tonåren då det kom in en raket i huset och brann av lite hår på mitt huvud >.< Usch vilken tur man hade.
Här är vi tre som firade. Från vänster: Sara, Veronica och jag
Även denna bilden är Veronica som har tagit och redigerat.
Jag hade hoppats på en riktig bra bild på mitt hår. Denna får duga^^
Dom gröna slingorna är löshårsklips. Riktigt snyggt och gör det lätt att variera sig utan att spändera en förmögenhet hos frisören.
Jag hade ett jättemysigt nyårsfirande. Hoppas ni hade det och!

My new obsession

I matväg är det nu en sak som dominerar! Smooties. supergott, nyttigt och mättande^^
Hur mår ni annars efter nyårsfirandet?
Jag mår sjukt gott. Var vuxen och drack ett glas vatten till varje glas vin. Ibland lyckas man.

Hello 2012!!!

Då går 2011 snart mot sina sista timmar och jag kan se tillbaks på det med glädje. Hoppas 2012 blir lika bra!
Jag vill dessutom passa på att önska er alla ett förbannat gott nytt år!!!

En bild på mig denna kväll... hoppas jag får tagit nåt bättre senare i kväll så ni får se mina fina giftgröna slinger jag har i håret

See you on the other side...


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