Lazy lime sunday
Im treating myself to a day of nothing, just being lazy and doing whatever I want.
Yesterday was great. Like I told you Ninni and I was having a day at the local spa. No treatments but a lot of water and sauna going on. Super relaxing. After the spa we gatherd the forces with Sara and Veronica for some sushi. Then after the yummy food I felt like a glas of wine. So I dragged them to a nice place where I could drink and they could have a cup of tea^^ My glas of wine became three and that was more than enough to get me tipsy... I seruosly hope I didn`t blabber too much about stupid things?! At least I was clever enouh to drink lots of water I did not get a hangover.

By the way I wanted to show you my make up today! I played with my new Mixing Liquid and made a lime colored eyeliner from my new eyeshadow. It turned out looking really cool. Somtimes I feel like wearing colour but as you may know I don`t like colored clothes... A little colored eyeliner is just the right amount for me.

Do you like it??

Gillar't! :) Och jääj för lite tipsytalk som bara är trevligt!
Erdena Lugosi
Jättefin sminkning!!! :) Och det var supertrevligt att ses! <3