I hate my computer

I forced myself to get out of the sofa and took a bunch of pictures of one of my neacklaces. But while I was uploading them on the computer it shut down. Well... it has happend before and all has gone well. But not this time. The piece of shit don`t recognize my usb connetion (camera) and I can`t upload the pics. Arrg. I can probably solve it but right now I am too irritated and tired to deal with it...
Pic form tumbler. Don`t have the source. Sorry.
I love Morticia. And she has got the color thing right in my opinion♥


Låter som Vs dator det där, men nu har jag fått den att starta snabbare iaf, så hon slipper vänta 2o minuter... ;)

Hoppas din blir bättre snart så du slipper adoptera en ny!

2012-02-15 @ 13:58:42
URL: http://blodogkrek.blogspot.com
Miss Anthropia

Min har redan fått hjälp av superduktig-dator-doktor:( Är nog bara att börja kolla efter ny....

2012-02-16 @ 23:03:20
URL: http://missanthropia.blogg.se/

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