My Halloween

My Halloween was very cuiet. Christian was away recording a music video so I was home alone all evening. 
So what to do? I felt like dressing up and do some make up so I did and then I did some self portraits in my hallway!
They came out quite well for beeing so done so unprofessional^^
I tried my best to edit/photoshop them but I guess I`m not the best at it... The Happy Halloween pic on the post below I fixed myself too. 
So these next ones I did nothing but change the size and put my blogadress on them :)
The colors where so much brighter in real life. Red lips and red eyeshadow! 
I think I will make a new header for the blog too. I don`t feel satisfied with the one I have now...

Happy Halloween

Winter is coming

Quite a while ago I made this winter inspired collage.
So please look away from the H&M nailpolish which aren`t cruelty free and just take it as color inspiration.
I made it for myself as a cheer-up-it`s-not-that-bad-with-winter-collage. I feelt sad about the summer that never came.
I have the boots but not the other stuff.
The furry bolero are from Necessary Evil, the polka dot sheer top are from H&M, eyeshadow palette is "Creature of the night" by Manic Panic, Skirt and velvet leggings is from ebay (don`t remeber the store)  
Last but not least the boots from Demonia called Bear. I love these boots. They make me look like I am a cartoon character with loooong legs^^ I almost are the same height as Chistian when I wear them.
The fur is of course fake ;)

Pillows for the people!

Here are our new beetlejuice inspired pillows! They where super easy to sow in the striped fabric i found at Ikea. And they where super cheap too. Even more so because I got the fabric from mom<3 
I had some old black pillows that became the stuffing. So 4 was the magic nuber. One got small skull buttons on it but I don`t think they will last long. Thats why the others are plain.
I even have a lot of fabric left. Maybe I will make myself something cute to wear. It was really fun to sow again so I want to start looking for a new sowing project.


A while ago I bought a bunch of wooden moths from etsy. And today I made a necklace for myself. Moths are such beautiful nocturnal creatures. How do you feel about moths?
You even see my make up in this last pic. The terracotta color brings out my blue eyes and are a pretty autumn color. It is "Sepia" from Make up store blended with a light brown from E.L.F and topped with the best liquid eye liner ever "Glossy" by Isadora.

Hell and back again....

Shit! I can`t belive it! I am done with the new design as you probably can see. I have really spent too much time on this. I feel almost ill after today. All day, just small breaks to eat and streach my legs I have been with the computer to get this done. 
Now I need to do something else then sitting here....
I even drew this cute fella for the header. 

Black Box

Work weekend is over. Just moday left and I will have a day off! Yay. I hope some of the stuff I`m waiting for will arrive with the mail this week. It is painful waiting for it.  Just as painful as I think waiting for my favorite blog to update is...Patient is not my strongest side.
Today I bought some beautiful wrapping paper from work. I felt like making a pretty box to store some of my crafting stuff in. It works well as a place to keep my new shoes on too. I like to have my shoes out so I can see them all the time. When I finally move to a bigger place my pretty pretty shoes will have a  cabinet with glass doors and spotlights on. 
Kind of like this one but better!
Here is my little box on the desk in my crafting corner.


My cross-eyed skull brooch

So I made a new brooch for myself. I have had the gold skull lying around since last winter when I bought a necklace from Gina Tricot that looked awful on but had such nice skulls. I bought it just so I could destroy it! Gold don`t really look that good on me but I always get gold cravings att fall. And who can resist the gold-green combination?! I think I turned out nice. My little skull is slightly cross-eyed but I think that gives him some character. Isn`t he cute?

Swedish summer

Oh my what a summer...It`s just poring down all the f***ing time. No wonder I already think it is fall outside. The only thing missing now is the pretty colors and the crisp air.
Christian and I started the day with some spinning at the gym. He had some buisness downtown and I am right now just drinking my coffee and taking it soft and easy home alone.
I did take a crappy outfit pic of myself today. Thought I would show you how the new necklace looks on and the new rope-belt I found on sale at H&M for just 10 sek.!
Do I need to say I love black....
This fellow looked just as irritated with the constant raining as I today.
He/she just sat outside on a branch looking pissed off.

Gothic rose necklace

Here is a "new" necklace I`ve made. It`s about 3 months since I made it and I haven`t remembered to take some pictures of it before tonight. It is based on the same kind of materials as the necklace I gave my friend Ninni for christmas.
It screams "goth" with the big rose, black and red colors. It`s big and bold.
I usually make shorter necklaces that lies neat and pretty around the neck but this one is a bit longer and rests on the cheast. 

Pentagram of pyramids

I have had a day full of fun stuff. Of course the spinning to begin with. Later I assembled a desk Christian had found for me at a second hand store. We have been looking for one a while now. I needed a place to do my crafting projects so I didn`t have to occupy the kitchen table with my mess. So from now of Christians studio is a place for us both to be creative^^
I need to get me a chair, a lamp and a some nice storage boxes to have my stuff in on the shelves underneath! Ikea probably have what I need. But with my overspending this month it will have to wait.
I really felt like using my new desk right away and I borrowed Christians chair.
And this is the result.
I pimped my new jacket with some pyramid spikes.
Do you like it? I may pimp the jacket some more. But I usually like to keep it kind of simple/clean.
The other fun stuff that happend today is really a kind of torture!? weird huh?! Well, I have been working out a lot lately but the results have been nowhere to be seen. Only one fucking cm have I lost from my waist!!! I guess my body need some kind of change. I think it have gotten to used to my eating habits especially and work out rutines. So I have ordered a "femme fatale-fat attack" program from a norwegian fitness girl called Silje Mariela. I will start the program on monday. And I know I`m going to regret this many times... Haha, It will be super hard. But I feel ready and am exited to push myself and get to the next level of contentment. Life gets boring without challenges. You will of course get all my thoughts on the torture here. There will be a new category on my blog. Probably called "health" or "hell" ;)
By the way...its not a starvaton-diet.. It will be hard work with weights and some cardio. I even think I will eat more then I am used too. At least much more meat of diffret kinds!

Rose for my MetalRose

Finally I got to give Ninni her christmas present. Better late than never, right!
I was surfing the net and by a coincidence I saw this rose cameo and instantly thought of her. This cameo was the restart of my jewelry making which had been standing still for years. I love being creative and are really happy i got back the inspiration.
I found the perfect cameo-setting and bought garnet colored swarovski pearls to pick up the red color in the rose.
The cameo is quite big which gives a luxurious feeling.
I am going to make a similar necklace to myself whenever I get som extra time on my hands.
I can think of thousand outfits that will go with this gothic beauty.
Do you like it?

Cthulhu love

Finally!! I got some time over to fix my camera/computer problem and now have better pictures than iphone pictures to show you^^
The ones who know me knows I have a soft spot for Cthulhu. I searched the internet for nice Cthulhu jewlery supplies and found a cameo that i loved.
And wow! I can hardly wait for the opportunety to use it.
Maybe i`ll wear it with my sweatpants tomorrow ;)
The necklace consists of black metal-parts, Cameo and cameo setting in resin material. The pearls are called cats eye and when you see it in real life you clearly see the cat like pupil in the pearl.
It is really beautiful and the "pupil" moves when light hits it.
Do you se the cat eye resemblance?
I made a necklace almost identikal to this, the difference is that it`s without the hanging chains. I thougt it would fit better with my everyday clothing and I would not have to worry abot the chains getting entangled.
What would you prefer?
And do you at all like it?

Skeleton Lady

This necklace I made as a christmas gift to my beautiful friend Veronica.
I thought it would suite her personality.
And she seemed to be very happy when she got it^^
It consists of black metal-parts, lilac swarowski bicones, oilspill colored pearls, black glass teardrop and cameo+cameo setting in resin material.
How about it, do you like it? Or is it too scary ;)

Ficus Microcarpa Ginseng

Today i have made the kitchen look a little bit more inviting. I managed finding the black tablecloth which had been hiding since last autum. And i bought two really cool looking ficus microcarpa ginseng for the window sill.
The old sad looking flowers got thrown away and i used the same pots i already had becase i like them so much.
Ficus Microcarpa is pretty easy to manage. Water it once a week and if it dries a bit in between watering it doesn`t matter.
Do you like the ficus microcarpa?
I also did a little arrangement with a candle and som metal buttons.
build animated gif


Äntligen dags att visa upp ett nytt halsband igen. Detta gjorde jag i kväll medans min Christian har sjungit in lite nya låtar i sin studio! Lilla kreativa familjen var det här!
Som nån kanske fått med sig så älskar jag skalbaggar. Kanske konstigt för många men för mig är skalbaggar otroligt vackra och fascinerande små liv. Har väl en Egyptisk gen nånstans som ligger å lurpassar på mig. Kanske därför mitt hjärta bankar extra mycket för katter dessutom!
Halsbandet är hur vackert som helst och lite udda när du tittar nogrannare på det.
Det består av enbart skalbaggsvingar och svarta metall delar. Vingarna byter i turkosa, gröna och ibland lite lila färgnyanser. Jag höll det så simpelt för att vingarna är så vacka i sig själva. Det behövs i mitt tycke inte en massa krafs till för att det skall se vackert ut.
Känner mig inte alls självupptagen när jag tar självporträtt...
Vad tycker du? Är det fint? Eller får du rysningar av obehag när du vet vad halsbandet består av? Skulle du vilja ha nåt smycke med skalbaggsvingar själv? Hade varit kul att veta.


Jag funderade länge på vad jag skulle hitta på i julklapp till Sara. Hon använder inte smycken så ofta och jag tror inte nåt glittrigt/övertjejigt skulle passa så bra. Men rätt som det var slog det mig. Ett bokmärke i norrön stil! Perfekt till nån som läser en hel del.

Mjöllnir fick samsas med sötvattenspärlor och knutar. Själva bomärket är ju såklart midgårdsormen. Det visade sig dessutom att Sara samlar på Tors-hammare, vilket jag inte visste om! Fullträff.

Snö och is

Min mamma fick också ett halsband i julklapp som jag hade knåpat ihop. Det är i underabara mjölkiga pärlor och snöflingor. Ser lite magiskt ut eller hur?

Måste bara säga att jag jättenöjd med mina smycken jag har skapat senaste månaden. Riktigt skoj att komma i gång med lite mer kreativt pyssel igen. Förhåppningen är att ni skal få mer kreativt här på bloggen, i många olika former.

Ädel är stenen

God kväll på er. Sugna på att se nåt mer av vad jag har pysslat ihop på decemberkvällarna?
Jag hittade den solfjäderformade stenen för ett tag sedan och dog lite. Den är helt fantastisk! Alla underbara färger glimmar i kapp med varandra. Huvudfärgerna är lila och grönt, en av min favorit kombinationer. Jag använde mig av metalldelar i svart och smaragdfärgade swarowski bicones för att ta igen färgen i solfjädern. Jag skulle gärna behållit smycket själv men det gick till svärmor i julklapp! Jag tyckte det skulle passa så gott till hennes  naturliga färger.
Vad tycker ni? Skulle ni vilja bära smycket?


God kväll och god jul på er alla. Det blev lite plötsligt tyst på min blogg men jag tappade verkligen suget på att blogga mitt i allt julmys. Christian och jag är i Norge med min familj och firar. Även om det funnits plenty av datortid har jag inte orkat bry mig^^ Det slappas mest i myskläder och vi har ätit ofattligt massa onyttig julmat. Hoppas ni har det lika göttigt som oss.
Juklappsöppnandet är nu officiellt över och jag kan visa er lite vad jag pysslat med på decemberkvällarna! Mamma hade uttryckt en önskan för ett bra tag sen att hon ville ha ett förkläde sytt av mig. Och denna julen kom jag faktisk till skott. Det blev lite annorlunda med 50-tals känsla. Ville att mamma skulle få ett unikt som ingen annan har och lilaprickigt/grönrutigt har jag inte sett nån gång innan^^ Jag posade lite snabbt framför kamrat innan jag slog in det i paket. Det blev så många bilder så jag spammar er lite och tänker inte skämmas för det..
Ljuset var inte det bästa och jag är för lat att lära mig använda iso inställningar så dessa får duga. Men visst blev förklädet bra? Jag tycker om det jättemycket och får nog snart försöka sy ett åt mig själv. 


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