Even the most beautiful rose has it`s thorns
Working in a flowershop sometimes has it`s perks :)
All these fairtrade roses was to old to sell by date but still pretty so instead of throwing them out I got to bring them home. Luxury.
Cruelty in disguise!
I need to enlighten one company I always thought was a good one. I completely trusted and felt good leaving money at. It was the Body Shop...Many of you out there may have known about this but I didn`t. And if I had no idea many of you out there probably have missed it too...
The Body Shop is now owned by the copany L `oreal. They bought them in 2006!! So it has been for a long time too.
It means that the money you leave there will in the end go to L`oreal that preforms animal testing :(
I now choose to never walk into their shops and even smell their stuff because of that.
Stupid Body Shop....Why???
I am back
Have you missed me?
It`s good being back but of course we have had a great time. It is always nice to see family and to visit Oslo. As you may understand not much shopping are possible for me in Oslo. Such high prices on all things.
But I got some presents from my parents who had been in Liverpool the weekend before and I had the possibility to stop at Ikea on the way back and get some fabric. So I have some things to show you. All day today I have been sewing and the sofa now has the beetlejuice pillows that I have been wanting. I will take a foto tomorrow. Right now I don`t feel like it!
Found a good friend at a shop called Outland that have so much good stuff for us nerds^^
He could not follow me home though. Can`t have him beating me to the cookies all the time ;)
I have been trying to stay away fron the internets for a while now. Kind of detoxing myself haha. I spend way to much time with the computer when I should be out living my life and practise my hobbies. Next week I probably won`t blog every day either. I am going home to visit my parents together with Christian. It`s going to be great. Vacation is the best even when it´s going to rain all the time according to the weather brodcasting.
Friday after work we visited Christians father. He lit the fireplace and I finally could get warm and cosy all the way into my bones. I am constantly freezing nowadays. One more reason why I don`t like living in a flat. No control over the heating.
We had some beers and some pizza as well. Nom nom.
Saturday was very lazy except a visit to the gym.
Yeah. Picture proof for you here ;) Sweaty and ugly but very happy and satisfied.
I have also recived some new make up. I ordered it from Nelly.com. It`s the brand wet n` wild which is cruelty free and cheap!
I got a eyeliner/eyebrow pencil and a concealer.
The eyeliner/brow pencil was to soft for using on my eyebrows and smudges to easy. So I need to keep looking for a good eyebrow pencil. Thinking of trying one from Sleek next time. Their eyeshadow palettes looks very tempting too.
The concealer was a super good buy! I am so happy with it! It covers my red spots and my dark cirkles under my eyes really well. I recommend it. It`s the best I have had in years. So happy!!!
I have put in a new order at e.l.f. too. So hopefully it will be here in a week or two. Yay! I ordered their primer for eyelids and the one for the face, a glittery eyeshadow in green, my mineral foundation, a black "dip in" eyeliner and a make up lock & seal!
Well hello. I have been working extremely long days now and haven`t been able too sit down and blog. We have had an inventory of the whole shop and It`s quite a big shop...
But tomorrow I have the day off and if it all goes well Christian and I will head off to Gothenburg over the day for some fun. I have plans on stopping by all the usual second hand shops and Lush! Yay. I am really eager to check out their perfumes and new make up. Have any of you tested the new cruelty free make up from them??
Glossybox September
My glossy box came in the mail today. And this month I was very pleased.
No make up but nice caring products instead. I used the last of my Moroccan hair oil yesterday so this new test from Sunsilk will come in-handy. And I just loved the hand cream with grapefruit and coriander from Cowshed! I use quite a lot handcream this next winter months so this felt very in-handy too. I have no body scrub at the moment so I look forward to test the one I got from Anatomicals. The only product I maybe not to happy about is the face wash because I have a very well working rutine already. I guess I will test it anyways.
The body balm from Figs & Rouge smells super nice, I will have it at home and not in my purse with the design in mind. Seems like the lid can open very easy and I don`t want oily stuff all over my keys and other stuff.
Yeah, so...
Nothing special this Saturday. Just taking it easy. Almost to easy. I need some more glamour soon.
Christian was over with a friend so I walked to the stores.And some shopping happend.
Two tops from Gina Tricot. The shirt has a pretty lace on the top. The other has a burnout pattern in the front. With stars! Usually I don`t like stars on clothes but this time I kind of liked it. I even got a tank top in a green color. A pair of winter leggings and a pair of dotted thights with fake suspenders will sureley be needed soon. At least the winter leggings... And a really nice set of black leopard underwear.
I also have to show you a picture of my gorgeious Cymbidium orchid.
Fall food!
Yeah. So not fun working nowadays. I feel crap. And I don`t feel well in my own skin at the moment. I just need my ankle to get well, to eat better food and have time over to workout more.
At least tomorrow is going to be better food wise. The pic below is meat soup I made when I got home from work today. It just need a couple more hours and the meat will melt on our tounges. Yum! Food suited for fall.
Not my most glamorus post but this is my life right now...
Charging my batteries
Ok. So spinning was pest today. Felt like I never ever had done a workout in my life! And my ankle did hurt a bit on top of the bloody taste in my mouth. So Saturday my mother in law and I will hit the gym again for some weight lifting and cardio. Need to get on top of my game again. Stupid ankle accident...
Christian and I had some lunch besides all the other stuff we did out on town today.
Autumn-casserole to die for and hedgehog chocolate with butterscotch coffee here at home. Nom.
How cute they where ;).
Now some relaxing before I will get dolled up for drinks and dinner with my co-workers^^
Tomorrow I have the day off from work but so much other stuff to do...
And I will test my ankle for the first time after the accident with spinning again. I think the ankle will be fine but I kind of dread how tough it will be....Over two weeks just sitting doesn`t do much for you.
I am also having dinner with my co-workers tomorrow night. Looking so much forward to it. Drinks, good food, dessert, fun people and maybe a oppertunity for heels...We`ll have to see how my ankle is though.
Just a random picture to spice up this bla bla bla post ;)
Hell and back again....
Shit! I can`t belive it! I am done with the new design as you probably can see. I have really spent too much time on this. I feel almost ill after today. All day, just small breaks to eat and streach my legs I have been with the computer to get this done.
Now I need to do something else then sitting here....
I even drew this cute fella for the header.
Fairytale rainbow, dreamy heels and teardrops from the sky
My day has been quite ok. Can`t wait until tomorrow when Christian is free from work together with me though.
So to entertain myself I have tested out my new dreamy heels on for as long as my ankle let me. It is still sore and swollen but better.
We had a beautiful rainbow today and I had to immortalize it. So pretty with the grey sky and the golden sunlight.
Solution .45 live at Progpower
Soon off to work after over a week lying at home!
I don`t really know how it will work with my ankle but I hope for the best!
Now two clips from Atlata and Solution .45`s first live show ever^^
I think it went really well for a first show with some technical issues. I am sad I could not be there for myself. Maybe next time.
Spending time
Hi! I have not forgotten about you. I sat all day yesterday on the blog but did not have the time to post anything?! As you can imagine it takes me forever to do the new blog design and when photoshop makes it difficult "translating" colors it takes even longer than forever... At least I make progress. The basic of the design is in order. I now have to make it look right and have the right feeling to it. I made a header yesterday that took me about half the day but it didn`t feel quite right so I will start over again. And then there are some other small matters like a new bloglovin button etc. etc.
While I work hard at my new design you can listen to one of the songs Christian will be releasing on his solo EP. Self 2.0.
It`s not metal! Just so you know and don`t get a shock.
Just klick the image below and it will take you too the page streaming it.
By the way. I am the photographer that took this picture for his cover. * Proud *
My stupid ankle isn`t well enough to walk on yet. I tried a mini walk yesterday and It just got worse. So I called in sick from work tomorrow too. This is not good for my next month salary. Oh well. I guess I will survive.
I have also started to work on a new blog design. But it is a bitch... I belived I had it going quite well but I soon stumbled over so many more problems than I would ever expect... As you can imagine I`m not very good at all this Html stuff...
At least I have had a very cosy weekend with my girlfriends. Friday Morwen was here and saturday I had Ninni over for a sleepover. She even brought gold. Well almost. I got chanterelles, appels, plums and blackberries. The benefits of living on the countryside. Nom nom nom^^
Tonight I am eating some left over sushi from yesterday and relaxing as much as I can with my foot high on a stack of pillows.
And finally Christian is on his way home from Atlanta♥
The unholy wine collection
I came across these beautiful bottles of wine. I think if I ever got my hands on these It would have been using them for decorating only. And those coffin shaped boxes♥
* Sigh *
They are designed by a Norwegian guy called Daniel Brokstad.
This is copied from the page I found it on:
"Possession is a limited edition unholy wine collection, featuring “Evil Demon – Bloody Shiraz”, “Haunting Ghost – Spoory Cabernet” and “Old Witch – Cursed Pinor Noir”. All the wines comes in a solid coffin shaped glossy casing, which adds to the exclusiveness of the wine series. Each are based on different occult themes as satanism, the paranormal and witchcraft. The type design on each bottle reflects it’s theme and was made in a rough way to contrast the otherwise clean setup and design, to give it more of an edgy look.
This is a self initialized conceptual design."
This is a self initialized conceptual design."
I think the Evil Demon is my favorite. Which is yours?
Autumn nesting
I have felt an enormus lust of "nesting" lately. So Christian and I have orderd a new fabric for our sofa and compromised on what kind of pillows we are going to decorate it with.
The sofa we have right now is white and disgustingly dirty. It don`t get white anymore even after washing it in mild bleaching washing powder... The new fabric is black! Oh joy!!!! If I could decide everything (well, almost) would be in black^^ We have decided on black and white striped pillows. Beetlejuice FTW! Now I just have to get my ass somehow to Ikea and get striped fabric there. I have searched the internet for that kind of fabric but it seemes impossible to get the correct striped one in the right kind material and not pay a huge amount of money. And of course the ikea fabric isn`t for sale at their webshop...
This is how our sofa and chair will look like.
This is how I would like the pillows to look like.
And this blanket we already have.
Of course I would love a new rug and table....But it will have to wait. The sofa cover is going on the credit card so we`ll have to wait until we paid off that first.
By the way! I have tried and tried to fix the problem with my answers on your comments showing in grey against the grey background here in my blog. But it seemes impossible??? I don`t know if it has something to do with the blogg.se update but I just aren`t able to find the correct html code so that I can change it :(
If any of you know how to please let me know!
For now I just recommend you to highlight the text so you can see the answers. Sorry about that.
So, now Christian has left for his trip to USA and left me home alone. Hope he will have a shit load of fun and that the consert at Prog power will be awsome. I would have liked to go with them but It just wasn`t possible this time. And I am a bit lucky that I hadn`t tickets and hotel when I got injured like this.
I think the swelling on my ankle has gone down a bit today. It`s still big but It feels like I may be on my feet again in not too long a time. I did not feel that at all yesterday. I was really down and sad.
My shoulders ake though, it`s because of the long way I jumped with the crutches til and from the x-ray monday night. Bohoo, poor me ;)
Also today my kind father in law helped me by driving me to the store so I could buy food and pick up a parcel. It went suprisingly well to shop. I hung on the cart for support and he was kind enough to carry the bags up the stairs to the apartment. My foot did not feel too bad after. Such a good sign.
I saw the Snow White and the huntsman movie last night. It was a really good except that I can`t stand the lead actress Kirsten Stewart. Too bad, she ruined the move for me.
Charleze Theron was amazing though, I have loved her ever sice I saw Monster.
Such a good move. Watch it if you haven`t.
And What the hell...My nails fucked up when I removed the nailpolish I had on. The top layer just kind of shrinked and made lots of wrinkles. Do any of you know what happend??? Acrylics are supposed to manage that aren`t they??? It makes me so sad. I pay lots of money to have them to do nail designs on and than they do that :(
And with my foot I can`t go down to the nail center and complain.
I had an accident at work last night. I was working with a shelf, a big one in the store, when it tipped to the side. I acted on reflex an tried to hold it back. Of corse it was to heavy, I stepped wrong with my foot and had to let the shelf go to the ground. I remember hearing a disgusting sound and immediatly knew my ankle didn`t come out of this unharmed. My co-worker and I was on our own so I had to endure the 1 hour until closing time. I called the medical treatment advicement and got an emergensy appointment at the welfare centre. They sent me to the hospital for some x-ray and orthopedic examination. Luckely I did not fracture any of my bones. I just have a really big swelling and have to jump arond on crutches when I`m not lying on the sofa with the leg hold high.
Here is my ankle right after the accident. Not the usual shape.
Sad face
I was at the hospital the whole evening and a bit into the night...
Super cold and hungry. I had not eaten properly all day.
Finally home!
This could not come at a worse time right now. Christian is wery buisy with Solution 45. rehersal in the nearby town and is going to USA super early on thursday. I will be home alone these next days and weekend. Christian was maybe able to get home this late evening though.
I guess I will try to find the inspiration to do some crafting, nails and small amounts of housework.
Visitors will be welcome^^
Black Box
Work weekend is over. Just moday left and I will have a day off! Yay. I hope some of the stuff I`m waiting for will arrive with the mail this week. It is painful waiting for it. Just as painful as I think waiting for my favorite blog to update is...Patient is not my strongest side.
Today I bought some beautiful wrapping paper from work. I felt like making a pretty box to store some of my crafting stuff in. It works well as a place to keep my new shoes on too. I like to have my shoes out so I can see them all the time. When I finally move to a bigger place my pretty pretty shoes will have a cabinet with glass doors and spotlights on.
Kind of like this one but better!
Here is my little box on the desk in my crafting corner.