Glossybox September
My glossy box came in the mail today. And this month I was very pleased.
No make up but nice caring products instead. I used the last of my Moroccan hair oil yesterday so this new test from Sunsilk will come in-handy. And I just loved the hand cream with grapefruit and coriander from Cowshed! I use quite a lot handcream this next winter months so this felt very in-handy too. I have no body scrub at the moment so I look forward to test the one I got from Anatomicals. The only product I maybe not to happy about is the face wash because I have a very well working rutine already. I guess I will test it anyways.
The body balm from Figs & Rouge smells super nice, I will have it at home and not in my purse with the design in mind. Seems like the lid can open very easy and I don`t want oily stuff all over my keys and other stuff.
Vad pröjsar du för det?
Miss Anthropia