My stupid ankle isn`t well enough to walk on yet. I tried a mini walk yesterday and It just got worse. So I called in sick from work tomorrow too. This is not good for my next month salary. Oh well. I guess I will survive.
I have also started to work on a new blog design. But it is a bitch... I belived I had it going quite well but I soon stumbled over so many more problems than I would ever expect... As you can imagine I`m not very good at all this Html stuff...
At least I have had a very cosy weekend with my girlfriends. Friday Morwen was here and saturday I had Ninni over for a sleepover. She even brought gold. Well almost. I got chanterelles, appels, plums and blackberries. The benefits of living on the countryside. Nom nom nom^^
Tonight I am eating some left over sushi from yesterday and relaxing as much as I can with my foot high on a stack of pillows.
And finally Christian is on his way home from Atlanta♥