Never ending
My everyday life is filled with happenings at the moment. I am super happy with some parts and really unhappy about others.
My work is downsizing and I am not certain I will able to keep my hours. I already work less than I want and fell really unappreciated for all the hard work I put in. To top it off they changed my schedule for the worse. Thanks a lot...
On the other side we are making progress in our house hunting. We have one in mind that we may make an offer on. It`s not perfect but it have almost everything we are searching for in our price range.
Meanwhile I spend some time on Pinterest searching for house decorating ideas and dream about all the pretty flowers and yummy fruits and berries I wanna grow.
Maybe I will have my garden soon♥
My work is downsizing and I am not certain I will able to keep my hours. I already work less than I want and fell really unappreciated for all the hard work I put in. To top it off they changed my schedule for the worse. Thanks a lot...
On the other side we are making progress in our house hunting. We have one in mind that we may make an offer on. It`s not perfect but it have almost everything we are searching for in our price range.
Meanwhile I spend some time on Pinterest searching for house decorating ideas and dream about all the pretty flowers and yummy fruits and berries I wanna grow.
Maybe I will have my garden soon♥
All the pictures are found on Pinterest
Det finns ju så mycket fint att titta på och sura över att man inte har råd med. Jag hoppas att vi kan få ner ett plommonträd i år för det tar ju några år innan det börjar bära frukt och sånt! Hallonbuskarna likaså. Kul med hus ändå, trots att saker går sönder haha.
Miss Anthropia
Haha nej den har vi gjort. Den snöslungan kändes värd varenda sur krona sen! Haha.
Miss Anthropia