I am really happy today. The feeling of finally taking a step forward in our search for a new place is amazing. Next saturday I am going to take a look at at a place that may be something for us. Not to expensive, a bit bigger, not as close to idiot-neighbours as we have now & a little garden!!!!!!! Keep your fingers crossed!
I am a expert of thinking to long ahead and have already started to plan gardening and wallpaper........
Blue or purple Hydrangeas and where will I put the corylus....
I will try to not get my hopes up too much. We don`t even know if the bank will lend us money or if it actually looks as good in reality as it does on the pictures... And do we want to move to the neighbourhood???
Now on to some other stuff I finally have done! My nails. Yaaaayyyyyyyy
Here are my nails from this morning.
And how they look now
I love the feeling of new long nails. I feel so much more pretty and put together.
Maybe I will have some time over tomorrow for some konad stamping. Today I have been busy with vacuming, cleaning dishes and laundry..
Jepp. Christian kan inte men jag och han föreldrer går för att kolla om det är nåt att ha! Man vet ju aldrig hur det ser ut på riktigt och hur området är..Tack. Jag blev jättenöjd :)
Miss Anthropia
Thanks :) Yes it`s acrylics. Actually I have never tested a gel manicure! What type of nails do you do?
Miss Anthropia
Tack! Dom är gjorda på center nail på Commerce. Alltid olika som fixar dom. Denna gången en ganska ung liten kille (asiat) med tatueringar^^
Jag tycker tyvärr det har varit ganska hopplöst att leta fram tills nu. Allt är för dyrt, för mycket att fixa på eller ligger så jäkla fel! Hoppas hoppas nu att detta kan va nåt :)
Miss Anthropia
Oh! How cool :) I love nail art. It must be great with a job where you can be creative.
Miss Anthropia
Tack :) Ja det var skönt med nya fina naglar!
Miss Anthropia