Good morning
Today I`m soon off to see the little "house" we are thinking of buying. I`ts really a house for two familys. And there are a couple of question marks I need to clear up. We are also thinking that it`s a bit overpriced!?...It probably needs some new floors and stuff. We`ll see. Hopefully we are the only ones looking at it so we could push the price down!
Right now I am drinking my morning coffee out of a new mug that Christian bought me from Finland. I didn`t expect anything! He is the best♥
It`s a Moomin mug and it has Stinky on it. So cute! Now I can start collekting them. Yay!

By the way. This is my nails today. Dark navy with blue tips.

Erdena L
Snygga naglar! Och hoppas det gick bra att kika på huset - så spännande!!
Miss Anthropia
Maria Söderblom
Ååh koppen... :( min mamma är ju finsk, min mormor bor då i finland, man träffar inte henne så ofta. Men hon har mumin koppar och glas hemma hos sej, i olika färger till mej å mina 3 småbröder, hon har haft dom så länge jag kan minnas.. now I miss her D: haha <3