Lime Crime Candy Apple

And Wow! I am so happy. Just look at the color of this lipgloss. It`s perfection. The prettiest red I ever saw. I don`t think I have ever worn a more beautiful color on my lips. I can just imagine how it looks under some rays of sunlight. Right now I am glad just to have caught some daylight to show it off to you in.
I will be needing a lip liner though. It bleeds a tiny bit and it will show to well on my pale skin.
None of the pics have been altered in photoshop. All natural light and colors in these.

I also got the silver eyeliner. But I havent had the opportunety to try it yet. It looks good on the swatch I did on my hand at least! Maybe I will make a post about it later.

Do any of my readers have anything from Lime Crime?

Åh men så fin färg!!! Icke-hångelvänlig produkt
förmodar jag? :P
Miss Anthropia