Stockholm: Day 1.
I`m so sad the trip is over. It was super fun and we didn`t want it ever to end. The weather was a nice blend of sun, clouds and some rain. We walked and walked and walked everywhere. We searched for music-secondhand shops and found them all. We ate so much good food and drank som much good beer that I got ill when I got home again. I guess my body didn`t like the big change in types of food stuffed in my face...
The hostel was super cosy. As I said before it was a renovated prison from the 1800 century and we lived in small cells.

The entrance

Nice bathroom too


Our door

You can imagine the police officers walking up and down here. Actually you could feel the history.The first night I dreamt I was afraid they would come into the room to do a raid and take my stuff.!?

This is the bridge we walked over every day. The hostel is located on a island.
On the way to the hostel we stumbled over a music-secondhand shop and I found the Supertramp vinyl, Breakfast in America for almost nothing and when we went out again to explore some more and get a beer I found myself a pair of Iron Fist sneakers on 50% off.

Nice or what?

The first beer. Nom nom

Later we went to the Old Beef Eater In and ate some super yummy food and watched how Sweden didn`t win a important game in EM... Newcastle of course was the bewerage we drank.

Kiss on the bridge

End of day 1
The hostel was super cosy. As I said before it was a renovated prison from the 1800 century and we lived in small cells.

The entrance

Nice bathroom too


Our door

You can imagine the police officers walking up and down here. Actually you could feel the history.The first night I dreamt I was afraid they would come into the room to do a raid and take my stuff.!?

This is the bridge we walked over every day. The hostel is located on a island.

On the way to the hostel we stumbled over a music-secondhand shop and I found the Supertramp vinyl, Breakfast in America for almost nothing and when we went out again to explore some more and get a beer I found myself a pair of Iron Fist sneakers on 50% off.

Nice or what?

The first beer. Nom nom

Later we went to the Old Beef Eater In and ate some super yummy food and watched how Sweden didn`t win a important game in EM... Newcastle of course was the bewerage we drank.

Kiss on the bridge

End of day 1

Bra att ni hade det myyysigt! :) Och Supertramp hehe, dem har jag fått några skivor med minsann, de från 70-talet är ju inte så dumma. :)
Miss Anthropia
Vilket häftigt hostel! Där MÅSTE jag bo någon gång :D
Miss Anthropia
Erdena Lugosi
Verkar som ni haft det skitmysigt - vad kul! :D Och mysiga bilder!
Miss Anthropia
Maria Söderblom
Fett snygga skor :D