Stockholm: Day 4.
This morning was just perfekt. The sun was shining and the weather forecaster promised sun and heat all day. The night before we had decided on a amzing breakfast. Not far from the hostel a awarded pastry cook had opend a little cafe and we felt it was our duty to check it out. So we jumped in our summer clothes and went out.

It was really hard to choose!

If I could I would have tasted all of it!!!

I had a chocolate muffin with caramel and pecan nuts & a pistachio macaron.


Christian enjoyed himsef too^^

After the best breakfast ever we walked around as usual. We visited some shops and ejoyed the weather. Then we saw this poster. I had totally forgotten about this even though we had checked for conserts before going on this trip. We where so happy to be reminded and decided to go to the consert.

We found our selves a nice cafe again and had coffee with som crumble pie.

We love vacation! And coffee and somthing sweet to go with it ;)

Then we stubled on a shop filled with Moomin stuff. Yay! I bought 3 cute prints and a fridge magnet. If I had tons of money I would have bought coffee mugs and lots of other stuff. The shop had so many adorable things.

I soon started to get blisters on my feet and the weather did not feel as warm as promised because of some wind so I had to get to a shop with clothes and shoes. Luckely H&M had a sale and I found myself a simple black cardigan and a pair of leopard wedges. I have never been so happy about blisters before haha. The wedges only cost me 99 sek. Hot! & comfy grr.

After lunch at Mosebacke again we went back to the hostel for some well needed rest before we headed out to the consert.
It was located at a amusement park (Gröna Lund) and we had people swooshing over our heads while we had our beer in the bar..

Cutest couple in the park

the consert was really good and they even entertained well between the songs. We had a blast. Some of the other guests seemed suprised and botherd by the music haha... They had their fingers in their ears.

Afterwards we had some more beer and Christian even bumped into an old friend. We had the opportunety to tag along to a afterparty but we felt it would not be an good idea ( I didn`t want to get a bad hang over) and went to the hostel instead. But first we had some junk food at Burger King ;)

Erdena L
Fina kort du tagit! Kul att spelningen var bra! Och ååh så fina Mumingrejer - älskar Mumin! :D
Miss Anthropia
Machine Head är riktigt bra live! :) Bra att ni passadepå att se dem. Och mycket gott här igen. ;) Och mysiga Muminsaker!
Miss Anthropia