Latest music finds
I told you that I found some second hand music in Gothenburg, so here it goes.
Alice Cooper so cheap you could not belive it! The Trash vinyl in super nice condition for 10 swedish kr. And a Cooper cd for the same amount! The cd was crap though...
And this Immortal vinyl from The Inferno festival not even opened for about 120 sek. You just simply can not leave Immortal in the shop^^

I have also bought a new cd! Something that don`t happen too often.

Witchcraft I heard last weekend for the first time and I liked it so much that I ordered it straight away.
I feel it is a good thing when you can support swedish music by actually buying their cd and not just listen via Spotify. Haha, I guess I am one of the few people here that still likes to put on a cd and listen to it from the beginning and all the way to the end! And actually having the cd in my hands and not just on the computer...
I think I like Witchcraft so much because I can hear Kvelartak and Opeth in it at the same time as it is has it`s own sound.
Hope some of you out there likes it too.

Äntligen har jag loggat in på mitt konto och kan kommentera haha. :) Skoj att du diggar Witchcraft! De har ju funnits länge och roligt att de är återförenade kan man säga. :)
Miss Anthropia
Witchcraft is teh Shit, både gamla och nya är kanon. De var lite softare och mer retro i början. "No angel or demon" låter precis som en gammal Roky Erickson-demo.
Miss Anthropia
Erdena L
Alice Coopeeer! :D
Miss Anthropia