Like a crow collecting shiny objects
I have gotten some new treasures for our apartment lately and I thought I could share them with you.
I have been wanting a wolf pillow some time and found one just perfect at Hemtex here in Sweden. I just bought it and luckily my other half also likes it♥ I got a Game Of Thrones feeling to it... shhh, don`t tell him!
I love cut flowers and I also have a nice discount where I work so I think I am going to try to always have a bouquet at home. They gives such a nice feeling of luxury and I get so happy just looking at them so it`s very well worth it.

These beautiful red roses are long gone and at the moment I have long purple Gladiolus instead.
They look a million times better in person. But for you who aren`t that into flowers you get a picture.
The buds looks like black velvet and they bloom in bright purple, when they wilt they start loosing their color and goes light purple. Hurry if you want them yourself. They are here only a bit into fall and then they disappear and others takes their place in the stores.

I also have managed to sell a bunch old Rörstrand tea mugs online. I think I got them together with a bunch of other old random china when I first moved here and I really didn`t like them as much. I just kept them because I didn`t have anything better. They have for years been stored away in a cardboard box and I just felt it was a shame. Now they are in a better home with a mom who is giving them away as a Christmas gift to her daughter which is collecting them.
I used some of the tea mug money and a gift certificate I got at my last birthday to buy myself a Kosta Boda bowl that have been on my mind for about one and a half year. I remember when first saw it in a shop window in Gothenburg together with some glass skulls. I thought it was so perfect, dark and beautiful.

The bowl is called Tattoo and are made by Ludvig Löfgren. I need to get it at proper tablecloth to place it on. It didn`t contrast well on my black living room table. I am thinking something in a creme color and perhaps lace. We`ll have to see what I can find..

I have also gotten big ivy on a double bow that creates a globe and other small pretty stuff that I can show some other time. There is just something special about fall that makes me stock up on petty things to let my eyes rest on and invest in cozy pillows and blankets. I guess it`s because we up here in the north prepares for the long winter that is coming our way.

Var har du köpt den underbara kudden? :)
Miss Anthropia