Bad start

Or should I say bad day.. Being on fast is not a problem when you are at home and can take it easy. But I had to get to work and with no food and only a cup of coffee in me it was a problem just walking there. No energy, stumbeling on my stiff and sore legs I thought I would start crying >.< But I got there and managed to work a couple of hours until I didn`t cope anymore. (23 Hours) I drank my smoothie but I did not get as full as I did last time after my fast... Well, I figured I would get by if I just drank some more water. It went a couple hours again an I could not get on without some more food. I had some oven-baked codfish and vegetable. I didn`t exactly get full this time either. Poor me. The whole afternoon was like hell. I am really proud of myself that I did not fall for the temptation and bought an ice cream( we have ice cream and candy in the store I work in) Thankfully it went better in the late afternoon the body started to prepeare for more fasting?! And when Christian picked me up from work in the evening It actually felt ok.
We went shopping for some ingredients and we went home to make som hamburgers. Because tonight I had my free meal+dessert of the week. The hamburgers was nice and the dessert tasted good for a couple of bites. But afterwards I feelt llike I had done somthing wrong. Even if the programme had said so. weird, I guess I am so into the healthy food part that I feel like this is failing.
My home made hamburgers, somewhat healthy if you don`t eat the bread ;)
My "nature candy"-dessert...Did not taste as good as I thought it would. The rest is going in the garbage. I had at first planned to save it...but for what? I will not have it here in case I get low bloodsugar and want to stuff my face^^
Tomorrow is the last day of week 1. I don`t think I have lost any weight, but I sure hope I have lost a couple of cm.... Not everybody get results after only one week on the programme. We all work different. And whith my luck I probably get miner results :P I guess I will keep fighting.


Kämpa på gumman! Du gör ett jättebra och imponerande jobb! Det kommer bära frukt med tiden! :)

2012-05-20 @ 00:50:18
Miss Anthropia

Chrille: :-* Tusen tack gulle mitt. Och tack för att du stödjer mig och mina påfund. Älskar dig <3

2012-05-20 @ 09:10:09

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