Well I did not even think that one day I would do this freely. From 12.00 (C.E.T) today I don`t eat until tomorrow about 10.00-11.00 (C.E.T)! For 4 weeks now I will do this once a week. My boyfriend have been warned. I tend to get grumpy and aggressive when I`m hungry. I will try my best to not let this out on him. I am the only one doing this to myself and I need to control it^^
My last meal eaten outside on the balcony. Sunny and nice.
Chicken and vegetable.
Soon my mother in law and I will go to the gym. We are getting an instructor to show us the proper lifting techniques. Don`t want to get hurt.
Tro mig, man vänjer sig jättesnabbt vid att inte äta ;)
Men varför gör du det?
Sv: Ah okej. :) Blir alltid orolig när kompisar inte äter. ;)