Yes, I have pain...I don`t really know what I did different yesterday att my work out but sure as hell I did something right! My thigh muscles are super sore. It was quite hard to get up fom the chair after my lunch. I must have looked like an old lady stumbeling on my way out.
Not much have happend since my last blog post. Work-out, work, sleep & eating! The only fun stuff is really that I bought some almond flour and "fiberhusk" for my new diet. I think I will try some healthy pancakes soon^^ Yay! I have started my planning for my 4 week long "hell" with the Femme Fatale Fat attack program. It is a lot to think about and my everyday will be quite different. Much more eating and working out that is for sure. Hopefully I still will have the time/energy to blog.
Almond flour
Fiber husk
I already had these sweeteners at home. They will also come in handy too
Det är gött när det känns att man tränar! Jag har tränat tre dagar i rad nu och ska fortsätta träna varje dag. Man får faktiskt mer energi än vad man tror, och mår så mycket bättre med. :)
Sv: Ja, det tänker jag verkligen göra. Tänker inte betala fullpris för något som inte fungerar fullt.
Och ja, fuskis, du har väl hört hela albumet kan jag tänka mig! :P ;)