Now two of my weigth lifting days for this week is done. And blody hell I can for sure feel it everywhere. But It feels good at the same time. In this very moment, sitting in the sofa I feel my thighs and bum hurting. You can imagine how it feels walking the stairs.... Paiiin.
My breakfast yesterday. Salmon, walnuts, cherry tomatoes and sugar snaps. Yum.
Today after my workout I had protein pancakes with quark and banana. I mixed the quark with sweetener and some cardamom.
The pancake is just eggs, water, protein-powder, baking-powder, fiber husk & a little almond-flour. Baked in the oven, not fried in a pan.
I think I see a muscle there! Wonder if I had it a moth ago!?
Now I need to drag my lazy ass of the sofa and do the dishes. This healthy lifestyle sure forces me to cook and make a lot of mess in the kitchen. *sigh*
Erdena Lugosi
ååh den frukosten såg god ut! dregla
Miss Anthropia
Erdena: Heheh, inte alls svår att fixa heller^^ Bara att slänga in laxbiten med lite kryddor på i ugnen ca. en kvart!
Snart armbrytning! ;)
Mina axlar växer snabbt som fan, och benmuskler. De fick sån stimulans när jag jobbade på industri, så nu är det nog "åh, vi får träna igen! Nu växer vi!" :D