
Finally I have a good movie tip for you. I love vampire films but there are so much shit out there that I can`t stand. Like Twilight * shivershiver * Hate hate hate!
Are you like me allergic to that kind of vampire movies/series, Stake Land may be something for you too.
Christian and I watched Priest last night.
It was ok. A vampire action movie you may call it. I am not a action kind of girl but this was good enough to watch a boring evening^^
And finally I now have seen Tim Burtons Dark Shadows. I had high expectations. The movie was really slow in the beginning but picked up at the second half. I think I felt it a bit slow because It didn`t feel fresh. I think Tim Burton need too reinvent himself a bit and come up with something we haven`t seen before. I usually love Johnny Depp but It gets to a certain point when him in Tim`s films feel old and used... Too bad. But still I recommend Dark Shadows. Cosy movie and I giggeled a couple of times.
Have anyone of you seen this movies? What did you think of them?


Jag har inte vågat se Dark Shadows än... Något säger mig att jag inte kommer gilla den.

Svar: Hm, ja... Den var ju inte sjukt kul i början men den tog sig.
Miss Anthropia

2012-09-07 @ 17:31:20

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