Pitch black love
It was a long time since I went shoe shopping. At least for me, so right before Christmas I ordered these pitch black spine heels. I have one more pair as you may recall and I love them so much I just could not resist having these too! I think they are one of the most comfy heel I have and a night out on town is no problems. It just even happen that I one of these nights walked all the way home...That is a 40 minutes walk in sneakers!!
I usually don`t walk that far in heels and I needed a pair for everyday use. I bought these boots lined with teddy and they are going o be perfect for the cold I know is coming soon. And of course are my new shoes in only cruelty free materials if anyone wonders.
I also have a pair of black sneakers on the way as we speak♥
Oh goodness, those spine heels! :D <3 -dör lite-
Miss Anthropia